Revolutionizing Engineering by bridging the Digital and Physical Worlds

In the ever-evolving landscape of engineering and construction, staying ahead of the curve is not just a choice but a necessity. Gruner, headquartered in Switzerland, is at the forefront of innovation yet again with its cutting-edge Scan2BIM service. This groundbreaking offering combines laser scanning and photogrammetry to create accurate Building Information Models (BIM) that are transforming the way we approach projects in the buildings, infrastructure, and energy sector.

The scan-to-BIM process is extremely useful for as-built surveys, renovations and the integration of existing buildings into digital systems. It also enables improved planning, cost efficiency and quality assurance in the construction industry by providing an informative, digital representation of physical reality that can be accessed by project members, operations and owners.

Our pioneering offering combines laser scanning and photogrammetry, resulting in accurate building information models (BIM) that are transforming the way we approach projects in the building, infrastructure and energy sectors. We use specialized hardware and innovative methods to digitize all buildings, infrastructure and facilities for our clients.

The Fusion of Technology: Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry

At the heart of Gruner's Scan2BIM service lies the synergy between laser scanning and photogrammetry, two powerful technologies that, when combined, create a comprehensive and precise digital representation of physical structures.


Laser scanning is the first step in this transformative process. High-precision laser scanners are deployed to capture millions of data points within seconds. These devices emit laser beams, which bounce off surfaces and return to the scanner, allowing it to calculate distances with incredible accuracy. This technology is invaluable for capturing complex geometries, structural details, and even colors of surfaces.


Complementing laser scanning is the art of photogrammetry. Advanced cameras equipped with sophisticated lenses and sensors capture high-resolution images of the scanned area from various angles. The combination of these images creates a three-dimensional point cloud, adding rich visual context to the data collected through laser scanning.

The Intricate Dance of Data Processing

The raw data collected from laser scanning and photogrammetry may appear as a chaotic sea of information. This is where Gruner's expertise comes into play. Our engineers meticulously process this data to create a coherent and accurate representation of the physical world.

Point Cloud Cleaning

The initial data often contains noise and inconsistencies. Gruner's team employs specialized software and algorithms to clean the point cloud, removing outliers and inaccuracies. This step is critical to ensure the model's fidelity.


Accurate positioning is fundamental in any engineering project. Georeferencing ties the scan data to real-world coordinates, enabling seamless integration with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other location-based tools. Gruner's experts ensure that every element of the BIM aligns perfectly with its real-world counterpart.

Post Processing: Delivering Usability

Our services are standalone as well as being integrated into our BIM worklfows. If you have your own team of BIM modelers and just need someone to provide the scan, Gruner's Scan2BIM service will go the extra mile by transforming the data into a format that is not only usable but also user-friendly.

On the other hand if you want a 3D model or a mesh, we can transfer the data into the safe hands of our BIM managers, coordinators and modellers who use cutting-edge BIM software to translate the processed data into a comprehensive 3D model. This model according to your requirements can include detailed information about structural elements, utilities, and more. We can even continuously feed real-time data from the actual structure into the 3d model, It thus becomes the digital twin of the physical structure.

Integration and Compatibility

Gruner understands the importance of compatibility. We deliver BIM models in the formats required that seamlessly integrate with common design and analysis software. This ensures that architects, engineers, and other stakeholders can easily access and utilize the model in their workflows.

User Training

Gruner doesn't stop at delivering the BIM model; we provide comprehensive training to ensure that your team can maximize its potential. This includes instruction on model navigation, data extraction, and collaboration.

The End-User Advantage

Gruner's Scan2BIM service places a powerful tool in the hands of our clients. The benefits are profound and far-reaching:

  • Enhanced Decision-Making
    Accurate BIM models enable informed decision-making at every stage of a project, from design to construction and beyond.

  • Reduced Costs and Errors
    By eliminating guesswork and discrepancies, our service helps minimize costly errors and revisions.

  • Improved Collaboration
    With a shared digital model, all project stakeholders can collaborate seamlessly, reducing communication barriers.

  • Efficient Asset Management
    BIM models facilitate efficient facility management, allowing for predictive maintenance and cost-effective operations.

  • Sustainability
    Gruner's Scan2BIM service supports sustainable design and construction practices by optimizing resource usage.

By harnessing the power of laser scanning, photogrammetry, and expert data processing, we empower our clients with accurate, usable, and future-proof BIM models. This service is not just a leap forward; it's a leap into the future of engineering excellence.


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