Diversion of the Mixed Water Pipeline at Burgernziel Tram Depot
Infrastructure Modernization and Adjustment in Bern
Due to the planned construction, the existing mixed water pipe, which runs through the area of the Burgernziel streetcar depot, is to be rerouted to Thunstrasse via Staufferstrasse and Brunnadernstrasse.
The planned DN 800 or 600 mm pipe will now run over the entire length of public land. The connection point to the mixed sewer line is located at a depth of approximately 8.0 m. Due to the necessary crossing of the Thunstrasse, which is an important traffic axis with Bernmobil railroad tracks, it was decided to build a 130 m long section of the pipeline using the microtunnelling method. For this purpose, two inlet pits and one outlet pit had to be constructed, from which it was possible to drill in two directions.
As part of the renewal of the mixed wastewater pipe, various existing supply lines and house connections had to be completed, rehabilitated and connected to the new pipe. In the same way, the house connection of the power lines in the Staufferstrasse area was renewed on behalf of Energie Wasser Bern.
Building Contractor
- Tiefbauamt der Stadt Bern / Energie Wasser Bern
Processing period
- 2017 - 2018
- Highway engineering
- Sustainable Traffic engineering solutions