School Grüze Dübendorf

New Construction

In order to optimise the site area and the building envelope, the decision was made to build the double gymnasium around 6 metres into the ground and to build the classrooms, spread over two floors, above the double gymnasium.

The supporting structure, which spans the double gymnasium, measures 28 by 32 metres. The above-ground main supporting structure of the school building consists of a combination of steel construction and reinforced concrete composite construction.

The double gymnasium is spanned by two steel trusses that extend over two storeys and are integrated into the classrooms above and the centred atrium. The trusses consist of an 80 centimetre high lower chord and a 90 centimetre high upper chord, which are integrated into the ceiling above the gymnasium and the ceiling of the second upper floor. The 30 centimetre thick diagonals of the trusses are visible in the atrium.

The ceilings above the gymnasium consist of three-span beams in composite construction with a beam spacing of around 4 metres and a 14-centimetre-thick concrete ceiling. In order to meet the acoustic requirements, the concrete ceiling above the gymnasium was designed to be 28 centimetres thick. This ensures effective sound insulation.

The building is braced against wind and earthquakes by concrete walls that run across all floors, by the two large trusses above the gymnasium and by struts in the façade. The gymnasium, including its additional rooms such as changing rooms, technical rooms and equipment rooms, is made entirely of concrete.

As the second basement floor can reach up to 3 metres into the groundwater, it was designed in impermeability class 1. In addition, the gymnasium was given a generously dimensioned floor slab to prevent uplift forces in the event of high groundwater levels and to ensure the stability of the structure.

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  • Sekundarschule Dübendorf-Schwerzenbach / Steiner AG
  • Diagonal Architekten AG
Processing period
  • 2019 - 2023
  • Structural design
  • Project development
  • Structural engineering
Referenzblatt Schulhaus Grüze Dübendorf


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