Improving the Limmatquai and Utoquai

A new boulevard promenade based on the sponge city principle

Zurich's important urban space at the interface between the old town, the Limmat and the lake on Limmatquai and Utoquai is to be significantly upgraded. The objectives include improving the quality of the area as well as measures to minimise heat and sustainable water management. In addition, the paved areas are to be unsealed and more space created for cyclists and pedestrians.

Gruner was commissioned with the preliminary project as well as the construction project and authorisation. Certain parts of the greening work were developed in collaboration with Ramboll.

A new traffic routing and the unsealing of traffic areas are at the centre of the improvement. In addition, more trees will be planted and seating will be installed to make the zone as attractive as possible for passers-by. To make this possible, the space will be realised according to the sponge city principle. This means creating areas that can absorb as much rainwater as possible. This water is normally returned to the natural water cycle, but can also prevent the ground from drying out during droughts.

This requires additional tree planting with an optimised water supply via a short-circuit pipe to the Limmat, a supply of surface water to the tree pits. In addition, an enlarged root space under the pavement area is being sought with the help of root substrate that can be built over. Natural stone paving will be used on the pavements and squares, while the cycle paths and islands will be surfaced with a seepable surface.

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  • Tiefbauamt der Stadt Zürich
  • Final planning
  • Sponge City
  • Urban and regional engineering
  • Highway engineering
  • Sustainable Traffic engineering solutions


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