Replacement of three railway turnouts at Colombier (Neuchâtel)

Gruner is acting as railway specialist for the renewal of three turnouts.

Gruner is acting as railway infrastrucutre specialist and local works manager for the renewal of three railway turnouts (type BS-VI-900, concrete sleepers) in Colombier (Neuchâtel, Switzerland), as part of the BM3 2023 programme commissioned by SBB-CFF-FFS, Switzerlands national railway company.

The project included the following work:

  • Complete renewal of the railway superstructure (ballast, sleeper, rail) with relocation of the points of two switches.
  • Geometric changes to reduce the cant.
  • Creation of a new foundation for a contact line mast.
  • Raising of yokes.
  • Change of materials and adjustment of contact lines.
  • Renewal of channels for gas network to heat turnouts and cable network.
  • Re-channelling of cables.

All the work was carried out during overnight intervals, with trains running on the adjacent track. The track had to be restored after each stage to allow passenger trains to run the following days without disruption,

Commissioned by SBB-CFF-FFS, the work was carried out by a consortium comprising Scheuchzer SA and Bahninfra AG.

The works were supervised by Gruner SA.

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