June 3, 2024

Gruner: main sponsor of Adrien Berrut

Gruner is delighted to announce that it is the main sponsor of Adrien Berrut for 2024.

Gruner is delighted to announce that it is the main sponsor of Adrien Berrut for 2024. 

The 18-year-old tennis enthusiast from Valais is one of the top 3 Swiss players in his category. 
With tennis courts just a few yards from the family home, it was at the age of 5 that Adrien began to wield the racket with strength and persistence. His rapid progress enabled him to join the Swisstennis Academy at the national center in Biel at the age of 14.

Since January 2021, Adrien has been a member of the Swisstennis National C Cadre, and his steady progress and high goals could lead to a successful transition to the professional ranks.

Last February, he won his first professional doubles tournament in Monastir, Tunisia.

Between matches, there's no rest for Adrien, who is currently sitting his school-leaving exams.

Gruner SA is proud to support the ambitions and dreams of a promising young Swiss player. Good luck Adrien!

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