August 22, 2023

A new dam safety project

Gruner Stucky Ltd is part of a joint venture with SMEC which has been awarded the contract for Phase II and III of the Dams Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) in India.

Gruner Stucky Ltd is pleased to announce that our Joint Venture with SMEC its selection as the Engineering and Management Consultant for Phase II and III of the Dams Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP), a pivotal initiative initiated by India’s Central Water Commission (CWC).

DRIP Phase II and III, co-financed by the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), are set to span 19 States and encompass three Central Agencies, including the esteemed CWC. Undertaking this important role, Gruner Stucky Ltd with our longstanding and successful track record in providing dam design services and dam safety management advisory services is committed to enhancing the safety and performance of the chosen dams across India, which aligns perfectly with our dedication to sustainable development and engineering excellence.

The overarching project entails four pivotal components:

  1. Rehabilitation and enhancement of selected dams and their associated components.
  2. Fortification of dam safety through institutional augmentation.
  3. Creation of ancillary revenue streams for the sustainable operation and maintenance of dams.
  4. Robust project management.

The envisioned outcomes of our collaborative efforts encompass heightened safety measures, amplified water availability, and reduced vulnerability to flooding, thus fortifying communities against the impacts of climate change.

We would like to thank India’s Central Water Commission and we look forward to participating in the esteemed initiative, harmonizing perfectly with our vision of shaping a sustainable future. Our collaborative venture is excited to channel our expertise and technical prowess towards revitalizing these vital dams, securing their viability and the welfare of adjacent communities.

For more information on our dam safety services please visit our website pages here

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