Hydroelectric power station Enguri, Georgia
Vardnili Cascade Rehabilitation Project plus rehabilitation completion
The Chain of the Enguri Hydroelectric Power Plants comprises the main Enguri reservoir and Enguri 1300 MW HEPP; the tailwater from Enguri HEPP into the Gali reservoir and the Vardnili dam with its four power plants. The Gali reservoir is made by a 57.5m high clay core rockfill dam with the 220 MW Vardnili HPP #1 at its foot and three similar river channel plants –Vardnili HPP #2, 3 and 4, each of 40 MW (2x20MW bulb, discharge 425 m3/s at a 11.2m rated head), situated on the tailrace canal that discharges into the Black Sea. The whole cascade was severely damaged during the civil war in the 1990’s and is still out of operation since several years. In 2007, a due diligence was carried out by Stucky Ltd in order to provide the technical, environmental, social and health & safety (EHS) aspects of the project so as to assess its feasibility. From this report, the following rehabilitation works are foreseen:
- Review the pre-feasibility of the project to carry out a detail scope of specifications and bill of quantities
- Monitor the dam at Vardnili I
- Restore the bottom outlet to allow reservoir drawdown including derivation to the channel downstream
- Restore the civil parts of the spillway and tailrace at Vardnili I
- Rehabilitate the electrical equipment , all the hydro-mechanical parts and waterways at Vardinili I
- Restore the channel capacity, reinforce the banks and rehabilitate the access roads along the channel
- Rehabilitate hydromechanical equipment of Vardnili HPP II to be able to by-pass the flow during a future rehabilitation of the HPP (not included in the present project)
- Monitor the on-going Commissioning works at Enguri HPP Units #1 and #5
- Engurhesi
- Modernisation, Renovation, and Rehabilitation of Hydropower Plants
- Dam Design services
- Dam Safety Surveillance and Management Services
- Hydropower & dams