February 1, 2021
Stucky Ltd recognised as a "Key Innovator" by the European Commission
Stucky Ltd has been identified as a “Key Innovator” by European Commission for our contribution in the HYPOS project
HYPOS is a decision support tool to plan and manage hydropower facilities using satellite-derived information combined with hydrological models. (read more at https://hypos-project.eu/ ).
The Innovation Radar is a European Commission initiative with the aim of identifying high potential innovation programs and innovators in EU-funded research.
We've been acknowledged as a "Key Innovator" in the development of this project together with Coordinator of the project, EOMAP GMBH & CO KG based in Germany and a project partner, the SVERIGES METEOROLOGISKA OCH HYDROLOGISKA INSTITUT based in Sweden.
After analysing the project, the innovations were categorized following these three areas:
Market Maturity: Exploring- These are innovations that are actively exploring value creation opportunities.
Market Creation Potential This innovation was assessed by the JRC’s Market Creation Potential indicator framework as addressing the needs of existing markets and existing customers.
Women-led innovation A woman had a leadership role in developing this innovation in at least one of the Key Innovator organisations listed above.
We are proud to contribute to this important project and to receive acknowledgement of this from the EU Commission. Thank you to all the HYPOS team at Stucky and a thank you to all the partners in the HYPOS project.